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 Have wonderful time ahead  Grow your business  Grow your family relationships Spend  more time with your kids Eat healthy and stay healthy  Try to be patient and  kind  Happy new year 2024 Forget your sorrow  Don’t forget where you came from Forgot what you did for others  Don’t forget those who helped you Don’t forget your poor friends  Don’t forget your Village where you burn and grew up Thanks everyone  Have a wonderful time ahead  Happy new year 2024

What is AI?

 What do you know about Artificial Intilligence? Ai or the artificial intilligence is a mechine learning procress. This is  like  a smart computer who can use brain to communicate with others.It helps computer to help and understand 

History Of Human life in Kathmandu

The Kathmandu Valley, in particular, has a rich history of human habitation. Archaeological findings in the valley indicate that it was inhabited as early as the Neolithic period (around 7000 BCE). Over the centuries, various cultures and civilizations, including the Kirats, Lichhavis, and Mallas, have left their mark on the region.  The recorded history of Nepal often begins with the Kirat dynasty, which is said to have ruled in the 7th or 8th century BCE. The Lichhavi dynasty followed, and then the Malla period, during which the Kathmandu Valley was divided into several small principalities.  In the late 18th century, King Prithvi Narayan Shah of the Shah dynasty unified many of these principalities, laying the foundation for the modern state of Nepal. Throughout its history, Nepal has been a melting pot of various ethnicities, languages, and cultures, contributing to its rich and diverse heritage.

Why Some People have similar problems?

  People may share similar traits or behaviors due to a variety of factors. Genetics plays a significant role, as individuals inherit certain characteristics from their parents. Additionally, environmental factors, such as upbringing, culture, and shared experiences, can contribute to similarities in people's nature. Social influences, peer groups, and societal norms also play a part in shaping behavior. However, even among individuals with similar nature, variations exist, highlighting the complex interplay of genetics and environment in shaping human traits and behaviors.

Happy Tihar(Vai Tika) 2023

 American Nepali People have celebrated Diwali 2023!!! They Celebrated Vai Tika on Thursday. There are more than 25000 people living in greater Harrisburg area. They have organized different Diwali programs like Deusi Nach and Deusi Vailo programs. Let’s Enjoy and Have fun guys . Happy Diwali for all Nepali Originated people living in  Nepal and Outside of Nepal.

TikTok is going to be Banned in Nepal

 Nepal Government has recently decided to banned TikTok in Nepal . More than 2.3 millions people are using TikTok from  Nepal .Some  Nepali TikTok user are making a lot of money from TikTok live . They spend All day at TikTok. They enjoy with their with their . Government of Nepal decided to banned it because there are more 1000 cyber crimes reported from TikTok. Now they want to be free from cyber crime…

Earthquake in Nepal

 Recent Earthquake in Nepal Killed more than 150 people in remote Side of Nepal.The center of earthquake was about 37 km from Dailekh Nepal.We can see many earthquake are coming on that area but all aren’t  that dangers . if we see the recent history of earthquake we can see three earthquake in few days. This is so much .There are so many bad history of earthquake in Nepal.